December Updates
Created by Admin -
We have been steadily working on some changes to our new player experience that we've wanted to do for quite some time and it is not ready to share - now is a great time to create a new character or get started if you've just joined!
- New Starting Zone: We have re-vamped the entire starting area & beginner quest line with some awesome new cinematics and storyline.
- Mall Location: With the addition of several maps that have been been downported to our custom 4.3.4 client, we figure its time to relocate our map to one of these cool new locations with help from our GM Team.
- Cryptic System: Gone are the days of running repeatedly through the same Supernatural Dungeon over and over to kill the spaced out mobs and no ability to scale difficulty & reward. We have developed a new system which is a spin off our Mythic system that replaces the entire early game allowing you to gain more rewards and upgrade your gear faster depending on how strong you are. There will also be leaderboards for these clears.
- Account-Wide Mounts: You no longer have to worry about storing mounts on specific characters - as we offer more options for vanity collections, we figured now is a good time to implement a custom system that will make these account-wide in 4.3.4
A small note for our more veteran players - we have several updates in the works that are catered more towards the end-game, we just wanted to set the time to make these long-awaited modernizations to our early game, so stay tuned! In addition to the key changes above that you'll be able to see in-game, there's a ton of work being done behind the scenes - we have also heavily reworked our core so Warspring can be upgraded to the next expansion in a future update. We hope to see you all in-game enjoying the revamped new player experience.